This is exactly what it does. It steals code and does not abide by it’s license.
Often it also removes or changes the license/attribution.
This is exactly what it does. It steals code and does not abide by it’s license.
Often it also removes or changes the license/attribution.
You love to see it.
Read the license. This does not conform to the Open Source definition, nor the Free Software definition.
This is proprietary software.
This software and associated documentation files (the “Software”) may only be used in production, if you (and any entity that you represent) have agreed to, and are in compliance with, the Tabby Subscription Terms of Service, available at https://tabby.tabbyml.com/terms (the “Enterprise Terms”), or other agreement governing the use of the Software, as agreed by you and TabbyML, and otherwise have a valid Tabby Enterprise license for the correct number of user seats. Subject to the foregoing sentence, you are free to modify this Software and publish patches to the Software. You agree that TabbyML and/or its licensors (as applicable) retain all right, title and interest in and to all such modifications and/or patches, and all such modifications and/or patches may only be used, copied, modified, displayed, distributed, or otherwise exploited with a valid Tabby Enterprise license for the correct number of user seats. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may copy and modify the Software for development and testing purposes, without requiring a subscription. You agree that Tabby and/or its licensors (as applicable) retain all right, title and interest in and to all such modifications. You are not granted any other rights beyond what is expressly stated herein. Subject to the foregoing, it is forbidden to copy, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell the Software.
The network effect in this article is seen as important for the adoption of free forges when projects choose them. But I don’t see anything about the importance of how many people use them for contributors to, well, contribute. I might have missed it though.
I would hope that programmers and people inclined to do so much as submit bug reports can sign up for an account.
User count doesn’t really matter for code hosting platforms. It’s not a social network.
Okay, I get it. It makes a lot more sense now. Honestly your first comment was word salad.
It has it as a setting. It should be default though
Yeah I know that’s allowed under the GPL, but you mentioned them “choosing to keep a FOSS version”, which if they didn’t do that would mean relicensing. It’s still FOSS here.
Obviously these phones aren’t as good as megacorp-backed Androids yet, they’re much newer and the software is being developed by the community for fucks sake. And the manufacturers haven’t had so many design revisions to recognise and fix all the issues.
They’re development/early adopter devices. And the killswitches aren’t pointless, because while you can enable airplane mode, that’s a software mechanism which can be maliciously changed, either by the manufacturer or an attacker. A kill switch will 100% cut you off.
Aren’t there outside contributors? How can they relicense it without their permission?
To be fair, if the free software “hardliners” like the FSF soften their stance, then that “hardline” just shifts. If nobody maintains that stance the strongest libre software principles will become weaker, if that makes sense.
The FSF is very useful for preventing that, even if they’re not quite as big as softer movements like “Open Source”
So you’re suggesting they remove or tag 99% of projects from the directory because you don’t like where they put their source code? Seriously?
If you really don’t like it, use the git command line to access it… It’s just the server where the code is hosted…
And no, you don’t need an access token to clone a repo.
Yes these sites are bad, no it doesn’t warrant tarring the projects hosted on them.
This. Freedom is part of the quality of a program.