Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
The funny part is 24 and 60 are already great numbers to base your time system on. They’re both very divisible which means you can divide up the day or hour into halves, thirds, and quarters without dealing with fractional time periods. It would remove a practical aspect of time keeping to no benefit.
Make a proposal without a plan or a feasibility study is peak management. Starting to understand how I end up with projects with very firm deadlines that are only vaguely defined and no one is sure if we have the resources on hand.
Those meetings come after you make the change where they tell you they actually expected the button would get smaller.
The main thing I hate about inflated expectations in job postings and interviews is I keep expecting to do interesting and challenging work. And the jobs keep being like “make a powerpoint and summarize your results to someone that does not know what a number is”.
Alolan golem is a cpu
That or it’ll be responsible for 95% of humanity’s decision making while google claims it can’t be held liable because it’s a beta product with no warranty.
This stuff is purely for my manager and I’ve recently noticed he’s basically not paying attention. Losing so much time for a ritual lol.