Sqlbi for Power BI, Marco and Alberto have pretty much been my go to in that world for probably near a decade (though I haven’t really done a lot of that in a long while).
Sqlbi for Power BI, Marco and Alberto have pretty much been my go to in that world for probably near a decade (though I haven’t really done a lot of that in a long while).
Taco according to the cube rule
I’m always personally wary of storing blobs in a database if for no other reason it’s going to totally be more expensive to store on a server rather than in some sort of blob storage.
Supposed to be an easy, if not a drop in replacement afaik, it’s under a permissive licence (Apache 2.0), beyond that it’s authored by RedHat I can’t tell you much else, it’s something I’ve been considering moving to personally (and work, pretty much for licencing and the few of us that want to use more open tech stacks) I just haven’t had a chance to work with it.
Supposedly able to pull docker images and work with docker-compose, just not swarm.
A good chunk of it is relating to the elastic search stack, yeah it’s a thing people do.
That’s the boat I’m in, I swapped my laptop from kubuntu to Debian which is solid for me. Server has a lot setup on it that I could move but for now Ubuntu server works, not really feeling the push to change.
I used a lepotato on my last project in place of a pi3 but libre computer totally has rockchip boards available as well. Price wise seemed decent, documentation was decent enough for me and more importantly I could actually get one.
Yeah, been dealing with that a bunch lately too, I’ve started pushing them towards the documentation directly (though to be fair, sometimes that’s ass or nearly nonexistent) with some success.