“Git is to github what porn is to pornhub”
“Git is to github what porn is to pornhub”
I’ve had plenty of rants about Norwegian broadband (or lack thereof) over the past 25 years. It’s a bit of a long story, but the gist of it is that during the 90’s there was this one company (Telenor) which had practical monopoly on telecom (it was the private remnant of what used to be part of the government), and of course they didn’t want to develop broadband 8nfrastructure as the made shitloads of money by selling ISDN at the time. Broadband was available in the biggest cities only, and even there it was limited. And the punchline of that joke was that when I was on dialup I had to pay by the minute. During that time, hearing about not having to pay by the minute in the US sounded like paradise to me.
But luckily competition happened, and Telenor realized they had to allow modernization or be left out of the market entirely. Small communities could sign up to have broadband “delivered”, and once enough people had signed up for an ISP to considet it profitable, digging would start. Today, twenty years later, I’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I live practically in the middle of nowhere, in a tiny industrial town sqeezed to fit into the terrain, where three of the cardinal directions are blocked by mountains and the fourth being a fjord. And I have 1gbit both up and down.
Ouch, I was not aware of that. Here in scandinavialand we have a few local or regional ones in each area, plus a few big ones that cover the entire country.
Once the fiber is in the ground, “any” ISP can use them, regardless who buried it. I think it’s a remnant from 20ish years ago when the default was ADSL over copper, and the telecom cables were considered public infrastructure.
Yr.no has an API that is free. https://developer.yr.no/
Unless they’re willing to give you your own IP (dynamic, or maybe static for a fee), that’s a good reason for replacing your ISP imo.
Don’t know, and to be frank I don’t feel so strongly about it either. I use perl because it’s the language I happened to become fluent in some twenty years ago, and nowadays when I want to put together a simple utility script in python I usually just say “meh, fuckit” after ten minutes and finish it in perl instead.
99% of my code is in perl. My local power source is 100% hydroelectric. I therefore choose to believe that nuclear energy would result in my code quality improving.
I’ll let Randall Munroe decide that himself, considering the fact that he provides URLs for hotlinking below the comics
I raise you this: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/lisp_cycles.png
Top right one is also published as “Learning Perl”.
On a serious note, I’m primarily a perl guy, and Learning Perl is one of my favorite books.
Stupid question, but what makes it particularly suitable for adult video as opposed to, say, regular video by a camera/recording enthusiasts (who may or may not enjoy videos of spinning plastic bags)
It is my firm opinion that void* should be named “disappointer”
Nine women can create a baby in 1 month.
I was thinking the same thing. Spanning tree is love. Spanning tree is life…when deployed correctly.
Alternatively I’m thinking noise, as I’ve seen that in 10gig connections a few times, which is why I prefer LC fiber where possible.