Acquisitions don’t need to pay for themselves. Ideally they do, but sometimes it’s enough if they just help the company’s main business stay in business, or grow.
IBM is making $30bn+ in gross profit each year.
Mo-Fr 07:00-16:00 Sa, So geschlossen
Acquisitions don’t need to pay for themselves. Ideally they do, but sometimes it’s enough if they just help the company’s main business stay in business, or grow.
IBM is making $30bn+ in gross profit each year.
Unfortunately, if anyone, I do.
We do that for some of the more complex business logic. We wrote libraries, which are used by our tests, and we wrote tests which test the library functions to ensure they provide correct results.
What always worries me is that WE came up with that. It wasn’t some higher up, or business unit, or anything. Only because we cared to do our job correctly. If we didn’t - nobody would. Nobody is watching the testers (in my experience).
JS powered “matrix code”.
Double edged sword, but yeah.