The most important part of being a prompt engineer is knowing when the responses are bullshit. Which is how the AI field has been the whole time - it selects for niche expertise.
The most important part of being a prompt engineer is knowing when the responses are bullshit. Which is how the AI field has been the whole time - it selects for niche expertise.
This but unironically
I can use my published PGP keys with XMPP, for starters. And I can use OMEMO. Matrix supports neither afaik.
Bend over and I’ll show ya
Self documenting!
The counterpoint is that Nedry was hired to stand up infrastructure and is likely the one responsible for not properly staffing that effort. The CEO isn’t going to know anything about that and will naturally defer to the people hired for those tasks. If Ned says it’s all fine and he’s coming in under budget, no reason to doubt him.
We all know lone wolf types which will hack together systems and pretend like everything is fine just so they’ll never be bothered by the presence of others questioning their brilliance.
tar -h
I’ll take my award in all ones please
Imagine unironically praising Java.
At least with labview there’s all sorts of NI proprietary shit which makes instrumenting labview equipment slightly less torturous. Matlab is literally just expensive Python inside the world’s worst GUI and one indexing so it’s annoying to port algorithms out of it
Anyone who says Matlab is their favorite programming language is very misguided
You can bring a surprisingly large number of network segments down just by plugging both ends of the same cable into a dumb switch. It probably won’t happen immediately, but eventually you will get a broadcast storm which will propagate until it hits an element smart enough to snuff it out.
God would have to exist to give any shits at all
It’s an ontological argument. OP is creating a categorical distinction where “sound” is the cognitive process by which pressure waves are perceived, eg as information. I think it’s a fairly common distinction to make, but it is also kind of unsatisfying is the sense that it feels a bit like linguistic nihilism.
Or ctrl-b " pkill vim
for my tmux enjoyers
Kind of, it’s kind of like using a calculator instead of doing arithmetic by hand when doing load and strain calculations. It’s a tool which cuts down on the tedious (and error prone) parts of engineering but doesn’t replace the expertise. I use it frequently to write code snippets for things I don’t know the exact sytax for but could easily look up. It just saves time.
Like, we have a guy whose entire job is to understand the ins and outs of a particular bit of modeling software. In the future that will likely be a person who runs the AI which understands the ins and outs of the modeling software. And eventually the AI will replace that software entirely.