Fossify Calendar and Fossify Contacts on Android and Thunderbird in Linux.
Fossify Calendar and Fossify Contacts on Android and Thunderbird in Linux.
I can highly recommend Baïkal.
Auxio. Exists in F-Droid.
Very nice :) Me like! But the bug is still there when you have clicked on a trail on the home page. The page just scrolls up to the top and you have to update the page to see the trail.
I tried Wanderer few days ago and I did find it very nice, yet quite buggy.
I was forced to update the page a second time before being able to do something, for an example using the menu.
But other than that, I find Wanderer very nice! Just miss seeing mainly how fast I was travelled in km/h. The statistics and details provided in workout-tracker1 is absolutely amazing! If you add such details into your project, that would be awesome!
Pretty awesome emojis, yes.
Indeed! I get excited when it is Friday, but sad/empty when I have read the newsletter. And after a few minutes of sadness, I start counting down the days to next Friday again.
If you’re only interested in expenses, debts, loans, budget, and statistics, then Keizai is maybe something for you? Transactions is maybe on its way to the pile of features, too.
You can for an example add the height and the shape of a building when contributing to OSM. With this data, you can build 3D maps. It’s really neat :)
I find Unexpected Keyboard’s numbad awesome.
I have created such service a while ago for mainly my own sake. The name of the economy overview website is Keizai and it’s far from done. The share feature is a little buggy and an update fixing this will come soon.
PWA is supported. You can self-host Keizai if you want. You own your data and the encryption keys. You can export and import your data and also delete your data or your account at any time. Budget, sharing stuff, and more. More features on the way.
The source code can be found at
Native app will maybe come some time in the future. I have zero knowledge of Flutter or any other Android/iOS app languages or what they now are called 😆 We’ll see if the native app even will be released since PWA are good enough.
Update 2023-11-17: Keizai now havean demo account. Go to and follow the instructions.
I’ve been working on my economy overview website Keizai for the past 2-3 months. And started to develop the new version of my weather service Serenum few weeks ago. Only the landing page are done for now.
Keizai are basically all done. Just some tweaks and improvements here and there left to do. Also planning some new features.
The current version of Serenum works, but it is slow. The new version will be faster since the new API will cache the data. And instead of OpenWeatherMap (that logs “a lot” of data upon API request), the new version of Serenum API will use (weather API from Norway with zero (0) logging).
I am using linkding for my bookmarks. Used LinkAce before. linkding is perfect for my minimalistic taste. I just miss having an app for it. There’s an app for linkding for iOS, though.
As of now:
I can’t live without the first 2, though.
Yes. You have to use DAVx5.