ldap is a central authority server. when you have ldap supported software, you can alliviate authorization to a central server. and if you make it so that you only need username for credentials (uid=%s,dc=example,dc=com in ldap jargon), you centralize your user database.
that’s what i use on my home server. it takes most of the user registration hassle away.
edit: by the way dc=example,dc=com is just an arbitrary value, you don’t have to have certbot certification for that or anything.
i don’t know if all of those forum software supports this but this is why we have OpenLDAP for. you can have username as a login criterion and not full username@site.tld. that way when you create a user in one place, you would have that same user everywhere.
freecad IS the tool for you. the learning curve may seem steep at first, but it’s really not. after you spend some time with it, things start to click. i love it.
there’s https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/ but it’s not very user friendly.
at least we could try to eliminate the need for tld’s.
edit: and there’s also https://getaether.net/
if you’re looking for just a collaborative editor then there’s etherpad.
is this from louis rossmann’s company? the repo has grayjay, too.
i think codeberg.org would be the flagship instance, since they’re the ones that has been supporting the development most as far as i can see.
is it woodwork? then there’s a decent workbench https://github.com/dprojects/Woodworking
check out other workbenches, too https://wiki.freecad.org/External_workbenches