Yep. Spot on. If they can raise VC money and walk away with someone else’s cash in their pocket, they’ll say whatever buzz word they need to.
Yep. Spot on. If they can raise VC money and walk away with someone else’s cash in their pocket, they’ll say whatever buzz word they need to.
We have absolutely nothing similar to the classical definition of intelligence. We have probability calculation based on millions of examples.
A single airline in Argentina is experimenting with it in partnership with a bullshit travel company. Hardly the proof that NFTs make any sense anywhere. And of course, the only places this story is getting traction is the blockchain hype blogs, which is red flag #2 and #3.
As a counter to your example, this is my career’s third AI hype cycle.
Before this is was blockchain, and before that it was “AI”, and before that…
Odysey isn’t Starbuck’s loyalty program, it’s invite only unless you want to join the wait list, and it’s openly called an experiment at its launch in December 2022.
NTFs are different to blockchain, so you’re just muddying the waters for yourself with the Walmart thing. Lots of companies do chain of custody things with what you’d call blockchain. It’s been that way for over a decade now. Because it’s low transaction volume, no moronic “proof of…” nonsense, etc. Just hashes signing hashes at different points throughout the supply chain.
This isn’t the “win” the NFT hype weirdos are desperately hoping for.