Yeah, I’ve found myself wasting quite a lot of time thinking of the ‘perfect regex’ for task X only to realise that I could have avoided doing so by simply taking a different approach.
Yeah, I’ve found myself wasting quite a lot of time thinking of the ‘perfect regex’ for task X only to realise that I could have avoided doing so by simply taking a different approach.
Faair. Thanks anyways.
Ah, I think I may have used the wrong terminology (though thank you for the respobses). What I’m really looking for is an organisation that provides public reviews of FOSS codebases and assesses their privacy and security. Is that a thing?
Hey! What is that color scheme? I love it.
Does anyone with a greater knowledge of the mechanisms of the EU funding bodies know if I can do anything about this? For example, can I email my country’s EU reprasentitve and present and argument for FOSS? Or is the funding decision here managed by a specifuc group within the EU that my representitive can have little influence on?
This is fantastic. Thank you. I didn’t know EFF provided this service.