you could check how other FOSS do it. e.g. you externally link it as a library and use another license the user has to agree on just for that.
you could check how other FOSS do it. e.g. you externally link it as a library and use another license the user has to agree on just for that.
What are you trying to prevent? You can’t release anything (opensource or not) without risking someone stealing the idea without patenting.
No FOSS license will prevent that (quite the opposite, it encourages copying/modifications). Those licenses just prevent someone using your code commercially without releasing the source code again.
not sure why you think that. if it’s indistinguishable, it’s still prior art. If it’s something better or different than your code, it’s a new thing.
Patents protect technical principles, not actual sourcecode.
no, the patent office would find your publication, deem it Prior Art and not grant the patent. If it would miss it (some don’t research very well), anyone can notify them to void the patent afterwards anytime.
IANAL, there are lawyers specialized on patents who’ll reassure you for free/cheap (relatively, they are friggin expensive). It also depends on legislature. Countries that break/never agreed to the PCT will do what they please.
NAL but my understanding always was, that you can’t patent anything in your name, when it’s already published.
That would make any patent related clause void anyway.
I only know thumb = motion/current but now since you say, it’s clear: people used x/y for 2D logically but the 2D plane used to be paper. which is parallel to the earth surface (usually). Computer screens are perpendicular so Y points up, not away from you.
So this makes sense with paper, TIL. With computers, Z traditionally means depth.
How does projection work in your field? X, Y, Z get converted to X, Z and 2D screen planars have no Y axis?
Who invented this, why did she do it and where to send my official letter of complaint?
license is probably the reason they’re doing it. no way around that without infringing copyright law I guess.