This is something that can easily get refactored, because the purpose of alia the variables is right there in the name. This is way better that spending three days to try to figure out what the purpose of var1 is.
This is something that can easily get refactored, because the purpose of alia the variables is right there in the name. This is way better that spending three days to try to figure out what the purpose of var1 is.
New versions of java have a null coalescing operator?
I didn’t know that.
Edit: a short search didn’t return any answers, as far as I can see java doesn’t have this operator, the closest thing is the ternary if operator.
Yes, it’s very useful when applied correctly.
I’m always disappointed when I remember, that I can’t use such a feature, because I’m stuck using Java.
Or try having numbers or strings that look like they could be dates.
Try using Excel in another language than English. You have to hope someone, that speaks your language had exactly the same problem as you, because all the formulas get translated and Excel doesn’t recognize the English version when your language isn’t set to English.
Probably the same reason it takes so long to come up with third party flash interpreters.
I mean flash isn’t exactly new, but for the longest time there was only Adobe flash.
At least you do get a response.
You need to make the weekend a thing. Maybe I’m too European, but when I’m not on call, my workphone is off.