True. Machine code usually has a 1:1 mapping to assembly so it’s not hard to read machine code as assembly. Although you will not see any of the labels (unless for some reason the the labels were left in).
I am the developer of Summit for Lemmy.
True. Machine code usually has a 1:1 mapping to assembly so it’s not hard to read machine code as assembly. Although you will not see any of the labels (unless for some reason the the labels were left in).
To be fair all “users” got what they wanted so… Success?
Password game irl
Wtf. It’s not even center aligned.
I guess I have to defend this one. I personally think Typescript is the better language compared to typed Python or Ruby (two comparable languages based on how they are all used). Modern Javascript actually have a lot of nice language features, the only issue is the lack of types. Typescript doesn’t entirely solve the problem but it’s a decent attempt at it. A good typescript repo is decently readable, testable and performant enough for most use cases.
It’s ironic that the illustration for JavaScript is probably the most realistic and best solution IRL. In the sense that a lot of what problem solving is (which is a big part of software engineer) is breaking a big problem into smaller problems. And you continue doing this until each problem is solvable in a short period of time.
JavaScript sucks though as a language.
Stop doxxing the cat
It’s super secure though, not even you have access!
After using both extensively I would argue async code is easier to read. It has a lot less nesting. And generally easier to read code is a good thing so I’m all for async.
Wow an Android dev meme. These are rare.
And doctors degree means you are legally allowed to perform surgery.
Men of culture
This doesn’t work for booleans because false is not null but also not truthy. One of things I hate about ruby is that it doesn’t have a native null coalescing operator.
I’ve been maintaining a free app for over 6 years now. It’s a lot of work. It’s not like you have crunch time, but it’s like you can go from just doing light maintenance to suddenly needing to drop 20 hours on it within a week on a dimes notice if there are major changes to certain dependencies. On top of that, the consistency is difficult. I will get bored and not work on it for months but I still need to keep up with the latest changes or else compatibility might break.
Having monetary incentive really helps with the boring work. The work that you need to do to keep the app going. And not necessarily the feature work which is usually a lot more fun.
Trueeeeeee. Then post your ip here so you can recall it later.
I eat a cyanide tablet. Drive won’t fail on me if I’m dead. Taps temple
I have a stack overflow joke but it’s been marked as a duplicate.
We’ll go extinct and AI will debate whether we really existed in the first place while other AI create religions about us to push their own agenda.
Ah so ur gender can be represented in UTF 8.