@kristoff Multicloud deployments is a thing, but far from common practice, I believe.
En oftast glad typ, som gillar frihet och rättvisa, lever i 🇸🇪. Have fun and be mindful of people around you.
@kristoff Multicloud deployments is a thing, but far from common practice, I believe.
@Appoxo @ShortN0te On your own network you should be able to have a long enought lease that it shouldn’t be a problem if your dhcp server is unavailable sometimes.
@erlend_sh Interesting… will give this a try…
@AdmiralShat @Kushan It’s federated right? so you don’t need to leave, just move on to a different federated server in the network… or am I missing something?
@PlutoniumAcid @spudwart Did you configure memcache and nextclouds scheduled maintenance job, both are very much needed for nextcloud to work good.
@ErwinLottemann @Solvena …or take it one step further and store your private key, only(except your offline backup), on an hsm/smartcard such as; yubikey.
@SmallAlmond I don’t know much about streamio, but I noticed this on their webpage;
“There is also a Guest mode at signup, which requires no data whatsoever: in this mode, no calls are made to our backend. However, it comes at the expense of useful features, such as being able to sync your library across devices.”
@originalucifer @ozoned hm… Why do you call it blog then? It’s just someone’s web page with text, pictures and video published to it. Languages evolves and new words can describe new implementations better.