It only has 60 days and who is regularly browsing feature requests to up vote?
It only has 60 days and who is regularly browsing feature requests to up vote?
The post OP is being a dick to people and needlessly antagonizing people.
Do you have a personality disorder?
Ah yes I forgot. That was very slightly before my time in the industry. Remember playing around with komposer in college.
That said Penpot can’t even create links or do any sort of routing. It’s not spitting out html and css. It’s spitting out specs that devs can use as reference when coding. PowerPoint is a more robust wysiwyg than penpot by a basic functionality measure.
There’s no logic in any of that. CSS and HTML component testing is just automating the designer/dev hand off. You can’t make a functional app with it. And it’s not appropiate as a content editor so doesn’t even rise to the WYSIWYG abilities of something like Wordpress Gutenberg full-site editing or Squarespace.
Ui design tools are not used to build actual apps and anyone trying toake them do that is a fool. It’s for designing apps.
Does it have component variants yet?
I’ve never understood the difference other than I get the vague sense display port is associated with apple. or penpot.
God someone needs to help friendica. Mastodon and lemmy both have pretty decent ux. Friendica looks like it’s from 2006.
It’s web tech but I don’t think it’s electron though maybe I’m wrong.
My guess is that ultimately it’s to help deflect spam requests. Team is probably the ultimate decision makers but they need some way of defusing the onslaught of requests. I think dedicated user feedback platforms are usually better for that sort of thing but that’s additional service maintenence and they probably want to use github as much as possible for everything.