Bill Gates’ money manager [Michael Larson] is accused of racism, inappropriate sexual remarks and bullying. He has not been fired.
imagine how pissed they are. or maybe they silently alerted the microsoft guy themselves as they only did it for cash and theyd been paid
so do i just need to update this in my update manager
how does something get tested for turing completeness
okay so who will sue them??
so the fsf should make a new term and legally trademark it and enforce breaches? someone more knowledgable email them
openai naming themselves open rip
opemgl vs vulkan whays better?
whats metal
obtainium should be on the list as a neccessary app
fossify voice recorder coming soon
thoughts on markor? also, what do you mean acreom plans open source? what license?
this isnt worth the time, it’s not a dependency of a huge piece of software