Build your own just for fun. That’s homelab style
Build your own just for fun. That’s homelab style
You can use emulation to practise. Gns3 or packet tracer are example of visualising networking hardware to play out different ideas. Jeremy’s it lab has plenty of cisco related videos to teach you.
This way you can fuck around without the wife getting angry she lost instagram access again and again and again.
Don’t know of this working this way. The incoming connection needs to connect to a device to find out what the domain was resolved. I think it’s easier to forward different ports to different machines.
Example: resolves to your IP. Port 80 forwards to web/80 on server 0. Port 180 forwards to web/80 on server 1. Port 280 forwards to web/80 on server 2.
Almost all commodity hardware will support this set up.
all buzz :P
I tore that bandwidth off a while ago. Same thing with trust issues and google.
Since then I set up a family account and use a regular Gmail account for app store purchases so I can change provider at any time. Can share most of my app purchases with family. I don’t actually check the gmail email. Just use it for Android services.
Derek, thanks for giving a great answer. Your answer was an actual answer rather than just saying don’t.