I could have the best self hosted setup… living in a van, down by the river!
I could have the best self hosted setup… living in a van, down by the river!
This thought came to me this morning. I have 4 machines both because the BEAST grows organically, and because we’re always trying to avoid that single point of failure. Then a scenario comes along that makes you question your whole way of thinking, diversifying may actually create more problems
I didn’t mean to imply that Services actually broke. Only that they didn’t come back after a reboot. A clean reboot may have caused some of the same issues because, I’m learning as I go. Some services are restarted by systemctl, some by cron, some…manual. This is certainly a wake up call that I need standardize and simplify the way the services are started.
Slaps forehead I know I read that guide too…whether I forgot about it or thought that would do something else… Thank You!
I’ve been pretty happy with paperless-ngx, it should tick all your boxes
Richmond would be perfect for this
I agree about the USB Ethernet dongle. Unless you only require short distance wifi range (eg hotel room temp router) the radio in the pi isn’t going to be enough
I built a pi4 router a few years ago, and it’s still running great, I recommend the project. But unfortunately I can’t find the HOWTO and it was before I started taking good notes. I assume your current router is a phone company supplied modem/router?
My setup is cable modem–>pi router–>switch–> old netgear router in Access point only mode
Being that your router/modem is upstream of router, I’m not sure if you could pass-through the WAN to the pi router, and pass back the LAN to the router/modem for the wifi… maybe someone on here can shed some light?