gnuplot surprisingly also has a strange license, containing “Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to distribute the complete modified source code.”
gnuplot surprisingly also has a strange license, containing “Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to distribute the complete modified source code.”
Sorry, a “storage box” ìs a product by a company called Hetzner: https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-box/
sshfs is a way to mount something remote through ssh so it behaves like a local directory.
I have a hetzner storage box mounted with sshfs, but I wish I didn’t have to since I’m paying for protondrive too. It took me a whole day to upload my personal files to protondrive through the web interface since it crashed the browser repeatedly and I had to verify what got uploaded or not each time.
I’m not sure. A few years ago I remember that OpenBSD expected ASCII for files, but I think Linux expects utf-8. I could be wrong though.
Unicode in filenames can be a bad idea, since there are more than one way to achieve what looks like the same character. So matching patterns could fail if you think it’s one way, but it’s actually another representation in unicode.
Back in the day, lemon party was my girlfriends first encounter with online nudity.
Maybe some inspiration from how OpenBSD handles users requesting features.
“No one deserves anything from us. /…/ The developers in this project do the best they can”
“If you expected any of us to reply as if we are contractors or your employees, you came to the wrong place.”
EBGaramond (original Duffner version) was made with fontforge and is on github. He only keeps the source and related files on github with instructions how to generate the otfs etc.
I made a serious attempt at using ed(1) for a few weeks. Read the book by Michael Lucas and everything. In the end, I kind of do want to see the file I’m editing, etc. But, some features, or lack of features, stuck with me. Do I need a menu item to count words in the file? That’s why we have wc -w after all. This can be said about a lot of functionality built into editors. It made me really appreciate the idea of programs that do one thing, and can be combined. But yes, in the end it was too much for me, mostly because I’m not good enough with coreutils.