• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I realize this is a FOSS channel, but I’m going to play devil’s advocate and suggest Eagle.

    I have some 40K assets, mostly JPGs and PNGs, and apart from Obsidian, Eagle is the best piece of software I’ve found in the last 5 years, maybe longer, and I absolutely adore it.

    It’s not free, but it’s pay-once, fairly cheap, and the upcoming version has an API and huge focus on community developed plugins.

    The current version supports a huge amount of file types, including 3D. I’m not completely sure about audio, but I’d be kinda surprised if Eagle didn’t support audio.

  • I recently recommended Rosetta Stone to a new friend who just moved to Denmark from South Africa with his family, only to find that they had switched to a subscription model, and also scrapped their Danish course completely 😓

    Was getting ready to raise the black flag and search the seven seas for the old Danish Level 1 course, when I discovered that it was available at the library, and he just had to put in a reservation and it would be sent to our local branch for pickup.

    He has it now, and he’s super happy with it (as a supplement to Danish classes).

    If you don’t know Rosetta Stone, its main feature is that there are zero instructions; everything is set up so you have to intuit what is going on, the idea being that you’re learning the new language “the same way you learned your first language”, as opposed to having to use your main language as a translation layer.

    I did a little bit of their Japanese and Spanish Level 1 course some ~20 years ago, and I still remember everything I learned, even though I never used either language for anything since.

    Anyway, my main point is that you might be able to get access to good commercial courses from your library, maybe check it out 😊👍