Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short
How does the latter not reasonably imply the former?
I’m not dumb and I write shit code all the time. Bad code only implies that the author is dumb if you assume only dumb people can make mistakes.
yeah, PascalCase is the worst
puts me in mind of the old guru meditation error messages that popped up in the stone knives and bearskins era of computing.
select only what you need and use limit
you don’t know the structure of the contacts table, and do you really want christmas gifts to only go to the first x number of nice people?
update contacts set name = ‘Grinch’ where name = ‘FellowHuman’;
the question here is, on it’s face does an invasion of privacy constitute an injury? I’d argue that yes, it does. Privacy has inherent value, and that value is lost the moment that private data is exposed. That’s the injury that needs to be redressed, regardless of whether or how the exposed data is used after the exposure. There could be additional injury in how the data is used, and that would have to be adjudicated and compensated separately, but losing the assurance that my data can never be used against me because it is only know to me is absolutely an injury in and of itself.
Got it in one!
Just post the external IP of your Minecraft server. We’ll help keep your system awake
I could ping Geocities, but not livejournel
I have a theory about how that may have happened…
my car is absolutely a boat if you put a boat motor on the back of it and waterproof it
it’s basically a TUI notepad. It’s there, it does one job and that’s all there is to it
That’s what the people who like it like about it.
Companies can just dump shit wherever when they’re done with it and have no responsibility to clean it up?
rules aren’t there to be enforced, they’re there so that when you break them you take a second to think about why.