Oh, that’s annoying. Works fine on Voyager for me.
Oh, that’s annoying. Works fine on Voyager for me.
Same for users — just change the ! to an @.
Example: @pageflight@lemmy.world
Immediately onto the lap.
101% complete
Sadly you can’t build a singleton. AbstractExtensibleMarkupLanguageHypertextTransformerProtocolRequestFactoryBuilder$Companion
SuicAid, the solution to your problems with suicide.
The Microsoft Store adds a lot of restrictions to their programs (example of Python’s problems).
Wait… “Push & Commit”? Not “Commit & Push”? Where do I join the Eclipse hate club?
doesn’t create [undefined, undefined, undefined, ]
; it creates [/* hole */, /* hole */, /* hole */, ]
. The holes don’t set any property on the array whatsoever, so they are skipped when iterating. How this makes sense, I can’t tell you.
Raises a runtime error. (Also, overloads don’t exist.)
ghc -fdefer-type-errors
That’s when you add #![deny(bad_code)]
, making sure that nobody notices.
Git’s still master by default; github uses main for new repositories.
Universal Plug’n’Play?
Meanwhile Haskell with double the amount of classes
I don’t see Haskell on there!
Then refactor those two freshly-refactored lines into their own function as well for polymorphism, right?
I’m fine with non-braced blocks, but they must always be on the same line as the parent statement (e.g. if (a != null) return a
) to visually distinguish them. (inb4 argument about long conditions: they’d usually be spread out over several lines, and the statement would go on the closing parenthese (which is on a line by itself when split over multiple lines))
It’s a bit repetitive, but it’s not too bad.
Not if you’re a Bash programmer ·υ·