2 years ago- OpenTyrian (likely available in your package manager)
I’m a Christian, a dad, an open source fan. I have a blog: https://daviewales.com/
Depends what you’re trying to learn, and how much of a beginner you are. If you want to learn the shell, try the Software Carpentry tutorials:
If you know the basics, you might try honing your skills with CLI Mystery (murder mystery puzzle).
You’ll probably want to learn how to use the following:
The final tip is: It’s usually better in the long run to spend 2 hours reading the documentation than 2 minutes searching the web. Reading the documentation helps you to understand the big picture, and gives you a much better foundation. Of course, if you’re reading the documentation and don’t understand something, searching the web is an OK way to figure it out.
I used Zotero all through uni, but I’ve recently discovered JabRef. Zotero probably has more features and polish, but JabRef has one killer feature: Your plaintext BibLaTeX file is your reference database. So you can version control and collaborate on your reference file with git. No export required.